Monday, July 11, 2011

F21 spree!

Anyone wanna order from F21 website together? ;)
Not earning anything from this, but if there're more orders, we can split the shipping fee among ourselves, which will be cheaper.

Ordering Website :

Shipping via FedEx.
Items take only 5 days to arrive once I sent in orders.
Will send in orders once I hit roughly about 10 orders. :)
Currently orders: 3/10.
How to convert from USD to SGD? Simply multiply by 1.36.

Format of Order :Real Name :
Email Add :
Collection Method : Normal / Registered / Meetup
Item(s) Link :
Item(s) in USD :

**No backing out once you e-mail your orders to me. Will update you on the shipping fee prices once you email me your orders.

- I've ordered from F21 before, & i swear their items are superb! Was amazed at their fast delivery speed & professional service as well! ♥
E-mail to ♥♥♥

Marisa: US2.80+3.80.  (Shipping not included yet.)